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    Entries in "review Martha Stewart Living app" (1)


    Review Martha Stewart Living app

                                Martha Stewart Living ipad app

    With Martha Stewart's move to the Hallmark station we are no longer getting the show in Australia. I for one am "missing Martha", but I'm finding comfort in the new Martha Stewart ipad app.

    Open the app and you will see the cover of this months Martha Stewart Living come to life as chocolate sauce pours over the ice-cream... okay, I did think this was very cool & opened the app a few times just to see the chocolate pouring ;) 

    chocolate sauce pours until you end up with the full cover shot

    navigate the app by scrolling right to left to find the story you're after, then scroll downwards to read the story.


    For Australians cost is a major factor, a paper subscription to Martha Stewart Living is going to set you back $240.00 whilst the app version is $4.99 ($3.99 US) an edition with the promise of a subscription price shortly. Even without the subscription you will have a saving of $180.12. 

    All the usual too, too gorgeous content of the Martha Stewart Magazine with the added bonus of being fully interactive (working links to clipart, suppliers & the like), plus videos and effects.  

    a Martha Stewart video shows Martha demonstating how to make a pavlova

    find something you'd like to make & access the recipe with one touch of the "recipe button"

    Saves space by storing all your magazines in one device.

    The portability factor; no more reading those out of date magazines at the dentists office... whip out your ipad and browse your Martha Stewart collection.


    Whilst I loved the pouring chocolate effect of the front cover, I must be getting old and grumpy because I just found it too much seeing the same type of effect over and over throughout the app. Is it really necessary to see more chocolate pouring, chocolate milk pouring or ice-cream melting? My step son Daniel loved the effects; I on the other hand, was thinking about our internet download levels! 

    ice-creams melt away to nothing in this special effect

    "Pinch" you can't pinch the text to make it larger, I want to be able to pinch the recipe text to a larger size when I'm cooking from the ipad. 

    Bookmarking; there is no bookmarking feature. I can paper bookmark my paper MS Living copies, I should be able to do the same thing with app version so I can find that recipe I'm after quickly. 

    If your not Australian you might not be experiencing the price advantage.

    All in all

    I love "Martha" and I will be buying a subscription as soon as it is offered. By the way the edition I reviewed is February 2011... OMG chocolate desserts in this one guys... a "must have" however you buy it. 

    Happy Baking :)

    By going to itunes directly and searching "Martha Stewart Living" or by visiting  Martha Stewart's App Page

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