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    Entries in raven (1)


    The Raven and The Black Cat Cupcakes

                                                    The  Raven cupcake

    Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
    In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.
    Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
    But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -
    Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -
    Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

    The Raven Edgar Allan Poe 1845

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    Sorry, I've been missing for three months without explanation. I think "Annus Horribilis" sums it up. xx

    It was my step son Daniel who gave me his copy of Poe with a "read this again" order that has given me a much needed push to get up and going.  I'll be back full time September 24th... until then here is two cupcakes inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, a more traditional design and a naive/primitive design. 

    Want to make a raven? Here is how I make mine. 

    Using black fondant or modelling paste make the shape of the ravens body. With food colouring, colour a toothpick black and cut it in half, this will form the legs of the raven and secure the bird to the book.

    almost completed raven

    Add a beak, feathers and eyes to your raven. Insert toothpick halfs. Allow several hours to dry completely. 

    Fondant rolled onto the back of my baking mat was imprinted with this pattern for the book cover.

    The book is made from white fondant, make a book shaped brick of fondant, score edges to give the illusion of pages. To make the cover roll a piece of fondant (I used the back of baking making to add an imprinted pattern) and cut to fit your book. 

    for vintage feel to the book score sides unevenly for a well read look

    Dust the edges of your book with gold lustre dust. Dust the raven with dark blue or purple lustre dust. Dust the book cover with your colour of choice. Add decorations such as straps, book plate by colouring rolling and shaping small pieces of fondant. Insert the raven into the book and add four claws to make up each foot... three at the front and one rear "toe". 

                                 The Black Cat mini cupcake

    Pluto --this was the cat's name --was my favorite pet and playmate

     The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe 1843

    Black cats remind me of childhood; black cat lollies, the black cat token on Cadbury Black Cat chocolates and reading The Black Cat by torchlight under the blankets.

    mum gave these Cadbury chocolate box tokens when I was little, they became my barbies "kittens".

    black cat lollies

    The black cat fondant figure is formed almost totally from oval shapes. Can you see them in the cat? 

    An oval is stood on it's end and elongated into the cats body. An oval on it's side sliighly pushed inwards makes up the cats head. Small ovals shaped to form the eyes. Ovals are attached to the top of the head and pinched upwards for the ears. The nose is an oval pulled downwards. The legs and feet are made up of two varying sized ovals. 

    The whiskers and tail aren't ovals, but rather rolled black modelling paste. 

    A steamed finish gives it shine.

    Happy baking :) I'll see you all Septemeber 24th. Thank you for the support and I WILL be catching up with all those questions I have missed. 

    you may be interested in steamed finish for your cupcakes

    or getting an early start for Halloween with "Boo Cupcakes"