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    Entries in "polka dots" (3)


    Baby Dots

    'Baby Dots' cupcakes; White Chocolate & strawberry, fondant topped with polka dots. 

    Thank you to Eliza and Dan for yesterdays café/patisserie review!! You're wonderful Eliza (you too Dan)... looking forward to your next review. 

    Got these super sweet, super mini foil chocolate/cupcake cases by Robert Gordon off Daniel yesterday as part of my mothers day gift :) Fabulous for truffles of course, but you can also bake darling small cupcakes in them. 

    How cute are they!! 

    Available in four colour pink, red, green and blue in packs of 18 from kitchen ware stores and online at Kitchen Cupboard (Australia)

    Or perhaps you fancy a fruit chew lollipop cupcake topper

                     Happy Baking :)


    Cupcake Cases, Liners, Papers & Wrappers

    Cupcake liners can match your theme, act as an inspiration or just be pretty like these polka dot cupcake cases.

    On the weekend we were looking up computer repair people in the local paper to see who could be booked to come during the week, but by Sunday afternoon the lack of internet spurred on stepson Dan to step in and he fixed it! Thank you Daniel.

    Loved Daniel's & Eliza weekend cupcake review & I can't wait to see there next one. Thanks to you both :)

    Due to the internet problem I'm slightly behind in everything from baking to doing that ever growing pile of laundry, back baking tomorrow but for now cupcake cases.

    Loved the look of these polka dot cases, but when they arrived the paper seemed to be thinner than usual. I baked test cakes just to make sure the pattern is visible after baking.

    They baked nicely, the pattern is clearly visible with a light coloured cake batter, case colour is pale but still true.

    Honestly, I'd still prefer the paper to be a little thicker but the colours are nice, worth it if you really have to have one of these particular colours in the range otherwise I'd give them a miss.

    Available online from Bake it Pretty or Sweet Cuppin Cakes


    Oops!... I did it  again.

    Pink Lemonade Cupcake with my first lollipop from a more successful attempt at candy making.

    Today I did what I manage to do on a semi regular basis, burn my toffee/caramel, it's called "the walking away from the saucepan technique". I wouldn't recommend it!

    Melted sugar can be a leave you with a sticky mess, but even with my blackened sugar there is a quick and easy saucepan cleaning method.

    Fill your toffee/caramel pot with water, bring the boil, boil for a few minutes then tip the water out.

    Your pot is now ready for the dishwasher/sink. 

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