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    Entries in "pink marshmallow hearts" (1)


    Raspberry Marshmallow part two

    Continuing on from yesterdays post...

    I had a lot of left over raspberry marshmallow and started to think of ways to use it, starting with cutting out heart shapes, I tried them dipped in sparkly edible glitter too. Better yet what about hot chocolate!

    Hmmm, good but it's summer here at the moment so maybe ice-cream sundaes with fresh raspberries, vanilla bean ice-cream, whipped cream, chocolate fudge sauce & raspberry marshmallows.

    Sounding better, but then I thought marshmallows on skewers, with strawberries maybe.

    Or perhaps dipped in chocolate sauce.

    Got to go, my husbands nagging me for rocky road, now that is a good use for leftover raspberry marshmallow!