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    Entries in "octopus's garden cupcake" (1)


    Octopus's Garden Cupcake

                                      I'd ask my friends to come and see 
                                        In an octopus's garden with me 

    "I wrote Octopus's Garden in Sardinia. Peter Sellers had lent us his yacht and we went out for the day... I stayed out on deck with [the captain] and we talked about octopuses. He told me that they hang out in their caves and they go around the seabed finding shiny stones and tin cans and bottles to put in front of their cave like a garden. I thought this was fabulous, because at the time I just wanted to be under the sea too. A couple of tokes later with the guitar - and we had Octopus's Garden!"

    Ringo Starr

    Packing Easter Egg gifts on the weekend with the mini eggs glistening in the light I was thinking how everyone is attracted to glistening sparkly things; for a woman it might be that 5.00 carat diamond ring, men of a certain age the shiny red sports car, the whole family loves Christmas lights, the kids love glistening easter eggs, and even an octopus building his garden.

    The cake; fondant topped chocolate mud cupcake with fondant/CMC octopus. Eggs; Lindt Lindor mini egg & Cadbury Dream mini egg

    Octopus's Garden available on;

     also on 'Anthology 3', and 'Love'

    P.S. my shiny glistening thing... my KitchenAid mixer of course!! HAPPY EASTER!!

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