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    Entries in "mini ice-cream cone cupcakes" (1)


    Mini Ice-cream cone cupcakes

                         Mini Ice-cream cone cupcake

    Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone ~

    Jim Fiebig

    The inspiration for today's cupcake comes from the iconic Peter's Ice-Cream signs, that can be still seen attached to milkbar's in Australia today.

    Remind me not to work with ice-cream when the weather is warm!! I was happy seeing my idea for a mini ice-cream cone cupcake come to life until I got to filling the cones part. The ice-cream was melting as I scooping it, ahhh haaa I thought, I'll freeze the scoops first.

    I thought they were frozen??

    Then I went to fill the cones and again the ice-cream started to melt, I froze the filled cones but now they have that "the ice-cream started to melt and it's been re-frozen look".

    Apart from that, happy with how they turned out. The cones come from a recipe in David Lebobvitz's Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments . I made mini versions (finished cone 5cm/2 inches high), brushed the edge with melted white chocolate and sprinkled with disco glitter.

    Melted white chocolate ready to be painted on top edge of cone

    Next time, after checking first the weather & what is wrong with our FREEZER, I'll make an adult version by making a dark chocolate and hazelnut edge, fill with a scoop of Frangelico chocolate ice-cream and serve them in small choc hazelnut cupcakes...yum!

    You could of course (and maybe I should have), filled the cones with a little piped frosting, marshmallow or even whipped ganache! 

    That's it for today :)