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    Entries in "how to make halloween cupcakes" (1)


    BOO! Halloween Cupcakes

    Ghost cupcake picks for Halloween, cute and scary thanks to little toy axes and red cake gel. 

    To make your own:

    RTR icing white (in Australia also called plastic or fondant icing)
    Chup a chups round lollipops 
    Wilton red cake gel
    Black food colour
    Toy axes
    Cupcakes baked in standard black baking cups 
    Light coloured frosting
    empty egg carton

    Pierce small holes in the bottom of an egg carton, this will be your “stand” for drying your ghosts.

    Unwrap lollipops, and roll out your RTR white icing unit 2-3mm thick, cut circles out with a cookie cutter and drape over lollipops.

    Stand you lollipops in your egg carton stand whilst you make the eyes. 

    Colour a small amount of white RTR black.

    Roll small balls of white RTR icing (eyes) and gently press onto ghosts, roll and even smaller balls of black and press into position on the white eyes.

    Let dry 24-48 hours depending on the weather. 

    Attach axes with small balls of white RTR on the back of the ghosts, let dry.

    Push your finished ghosts into the frosted cupcakes and take a tube of red cake gel to make the "blood" splashes. Don't forget to put a bit on the blades of the axes. BOO!

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