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    Entries in dog (1)


    Dried Chicken Dog Treats

                                                           dried chicken treats

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    Oh my goodness, we have a naughty pug. A pug that grabs your mobile phone and runs like the wind, a pug that unrolls all the toilet paper, a pug that chews EVERYTHING.  According to the vet and the inhome dog trainer (yes, that's what stage we up to) it's the humans not Gallifrey the pug. And so we train Gallifrey, and train Gallifrey, and train Galifrey. 

    Gallifrey the naughty pug

    Pugs can quickly turn into piglets with too many treats, the vet suggested baking chicken treats and breaking them into small pieces for the times that we are training Gallifrey.... I bake a lot of these treats!!!

    If you have a dehydrator follow the manufacturers instructions, but those who don't (like me) here is how to bake them.

    Dried Chicken Dog Treats

    pre heat oven to 120c (250F)


    chicken breasts


    Partially freeze your chicken breasts to make slicing easier. Slice the chicken breasts lengthwise as thinly as possible. 

    thinly sliced chicken breast

    Lay the chicken breast pieces out on a baking tray lined with baking paper or on a non stick baking mat. 

    Bake chicken pieces for 45 minutes, turn the pieces over and continue to bake until deep golden brown.

    Cool on baking rack.

    Break into small pieces for training treats. 

    Store in an airtight container for up to one month.

    Happy Baking and may your doggie be well trained :)