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    Entries in blossoms (1)


    Blossom Cupcake Toppers

                                 sour cherry cupcake with blossom toppers

    It's raining, it's pouring... it must be Spring in Melbourne!!

    Today we are making blossom toppers, a little bit fiddly but easy to make. You can go for a natural look or try a more Asian approach with a glossy black finish. 

    You'll need:

    black modelling paste/or black fondant with CMC added

    white modelling paste/or white fondant with CMC added

    leaf flower glaze

    lustre dusts 

    Roll out small "snake" shapes from the black modelling paste (I've used brown modelling paste in the demo because it was easier to see the steps). With a small pair of sharp scissors cut nicks into the snake shapes, move the shapes to replicate branch shapes. Allow to dry. 

    branch shapes drying

    Once dry paint on leaf/flower glaze with a small brush, allow to dry and repeat. You may need to repeat this step several times until you have a high gloss finish. Allow to dry.

    glazed branches drying

    To make a blossom, roll six small balls of white fondant. Five of the balls will become petals, the sixth the centre of the blossom. Squash a ball lightly with your finger and in forward pulling motion to form a petal. Once you have your petals made, join together by squeezing together the narrow ends with dampened fingers. Add the centre. Repeat until you have desired amount of flowers. Create buds with small balls of modelling paste. Allow to dry. 

    squash a ball lightly in a forward motion to create petals

    Once dry dust the blossoms with lustre dusts of choice, attach the to branches with a small of amount of dampened black modelling paste. Allow to dry before using to top your frosted cupcakes.

    For those who ask about where do I find "inspiration", it really is all around you... today's toppers were inspired by my kitchen tissue box.

    Happy Baking :)

    You might also be interested in Green Tea White Chocolate Cupcakesor go savoury with Bacon and Egg Noodle Omelette