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    Entries in "Betty Crocker Whoopie Pies" (1)


    Emma's Whoopie Pies Review

    Harriet and Emma

    Meet Emma the 14 year old daughter of my best friend Jacinta. Emma is a fabulous baker and has kindly stepped in tonight as guest reviewer in a packet mix vs homemade challenge. Take it away Emma.....

    Betty Crocker Vanilla Sprinkle Whoopie Pies

    I don’t normally use a packet mix, but I love whoopie pies and thought I’d give the packet Betty Crocker Vanilla Sprinkle Whoopie Pies Mix a go.

    straight from the oven

    While the recipe and the whoopie pies themselves were easy to make and follow, the overall taste was very disappointing (such a shame because they looked very delicious).

    making vanilla cream filling mix

    finished Betty Crocker Whoopie Pies

    They just had that artificial taste that you often get with a packet mix.

    I then decided to compare the packet ones with some whoopie pies made from scratch. I got the recipe from the “Whoopie Pies” book by Sarah Billingsley and Amy Treadwell, given to us by The Lone Baker.

    I used the Classic Chocolate Whoopie Pies sandwiched together by a cream cheese filling.

    classic chocolate whoopie pies

    cream cheese filling

    The homemade ones were far superior to the packet ones (they were just as easy to make as well). My family preferred the homemade ones over the packet ones.

     We soon devoured them all!!! 


    text and photography by Emma Darlison

    The Lone Baker back tomorrow with two ingredient tuile... topping a cupcake of course :)