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    Cadbury Marvellous Creations Chocolate Review

    Cadbury Marvellous Creations Chocolate 

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    Perhaps it's the difficult economic times or perhaps we have always been wanted an excuse to access our inner child; whatever the reason the "Willy Wonka type" trend in food continues with Cadbury's Joyville range of chocolates. 

    Cadbury's latest entry in the Joyville range is 'Marvellous Creations' an oddly shaped chocolate block/bar with lots of added bits. Now truthfully, I'm not a huge fan of Cadbury milk chocolate I find it too sweet, though I'm not immune to even the scent of Cadbury chocolate evoking my childhood memories of lining up in the lounge room to get a piece of the latest Cadbury block off my mum.

    cadbury's marvellous creations advertising campaign with it's "Wonka factory" feel

    However, my closest friend Jactina is loving this new Cadbury range so much she has been asking (uhh hmm nagging!) for a blog post. Soooo, lets have a look at what's inside each block.... 

    three flavour choices 'jelly crunchie bits', 'peanut toffee cookie' and 'jelly, popping candy and beanies'... so popular is this new range of chocolate the first few stores I tried were sold out. 

    Starting with 'Jelly Crunchie Bits'

    Cadbury milk chocolate, red jelly lollies and small pieces of Cadbury 'Crunchie' (honeycomb/sponge candy). This flavour is the favourite of my friend Jacinta and my step son Daniel. Daniel saying that "you wouldn't think honeycomb and jelly lollies would work together, but they soooo do!!".

    What I think... probably my favourite too, though the jelly bits do have a slightly bitter aftertaste, the crunchie bits are evenly distributed and if you have ever had a 'Crunchie' Easter egg or block chocolate you know that works well with the dairy milk chocolate.

    Next up 'Peanut Toffee Cookie'

    Daniel thought this one is "pretty good" and wants to have more this week (ensuring his place in the "where is all the chocolate going queue??"), Jacinta has it on her list to try.

    What I think... I thought I would like this one the best, but it's packed with rather bland coarse shortbread textured cookie pieces, peanuts and toffee bits, the toffee tastes nice but too much salt overall is coming from the cookie/toffee combo. 

    packed with cookie pieces 

    Last in the line up is 'Jelly, Popping Candy, Beanies'

    Daniel thought this one was "bland" though the piece he tried was devoid of "jelly pieces" and he felt with the jelly pieces it would have been a different story. Jacinta and family loved this, I know Jacinta was smiling during our phone conversation about this block.

    What I think... the beanies (M&M type chocolates) don't add much to a block of chocolate, the jelly lollies again have a slightly bitter aftertaste. As for the popping candy, lol ok it did make me smile :) 

    I'll leave the summing up to Jacintas teenage daughter Emma who after saying "I like the fun shape of the block" and "I like the bright packaging" added the most important part of any chocolate review "It's YUM". 

    Well I'm off now to enjoy a glass of Cabury drinking chocolate, hey I did say I wasn't immune to the lure of Cadbury.

    Get yourself in a Cadbury kind of mood and watch their TV ad for Marvellous Creations.

    Happy Baking :)

    Maybe you would prefer a Bounty Bar? Then how about a Bounty Bar inspired cupcake recipe

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Hi Jeniffer,
    Aw, now you have me all excited and I will have to include this item on my wishlist when my mum comes next to visit me here in Asia. I am in love with the shape of the block!
    We have two classes of Cadbury here - the real variety and the regionally-made Cadbury and they are world's apart in taste and price.
    I know Cadbury is some way short of the Callebauts and Valrhonas of this world but it has always brought me back to my memories of growing up in Australia. Oh, how you make me miss home with all your posts.

    I am excited about Marshmallow Fluff too and have never seen it in person but I hear that you can substitute whole marshmallows for the fluff in some recipes or make your own version of it at home with egg whites and corn syrup.

    I've noticed that it's an essential ingredient for many types of American-style fudge but other than that I'm not sure what I would do with it other than eat it out of the jar with a spoon!

    June 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjude

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