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    New release Cake, Cookie and Baking Books

    Yes, it's that time of year for a sneak peak at the new and upcoming baking book releases.

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    Starting with a book that is not strictly "baking", but you know it will include baking as we are talking about much anticipated first book by the brilliant blogger Deb Perelman, yes it's the Smitten Kitchen cookbook. The 336 page book has over 100 mostly new recipes, (with some of your favourites in there too) and hundreds of colour photos.

    Oh my goodness don't know Deb's work, then rush over to her blog  ...hang on a sec, stay around and read my blog post first :P 

    UK or Australian, our release date is next year. Can't wait? Amazon (US) has the book for preorder now for a October 30 release date  The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook 

    This next book makes me smile just thinging about it. Bakerella the queen of cake pops, has a holiday book coming out October 17 aptly named 'Cake Pops Holidays' this title contains more than 40 holiday mini treats. How cute are those polar bears on the cover!! Watch Bakerella herself intro Cake Pops Holidays...

    'Decorating Cookies 60+ designs for holidays, celebrations and everyday' was released this week. Not only do you get the expertise of author/blogger Bridget Edwards of Bake at 350the book also includes guest appearances by five guest-star baker-bloggers each share a special decorating technique: Amanda Rettke of i am baker, Marian Poirer of Sweetopia, Gail Dosik of One Tough Cookie, Meaghan Mountford of The Decorated Cookie, and Callye Alvarado of The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle. A must have book for the cookie inclined. 

    Jeanne Sauvage of Art of Gluten-Free Baking  is releasing her book 'Gluten-free Baking for the Holidays' this month. The 168 page book makes for a perfect gift for gluten intolerant baker on your Christmas list, but I want it to whip up gluten-free holiday treats for friends. 

    Gluten-Free Baking for the Holidays: 60 Recipes for Traditional Festive Treats

    Moving away from bloggers and onto celebrity cupcakey ladies with your favourite sister act from DC Cupcakes. Yes, Katherine and Sophie have a new book for the holiday season... would make a lovely Christmas gift for a fan or if you are unfamiliar with the girls there is a very good preview of this book on Amazon's 'look inside' feature, you can read the index, see samples of recipes and their signature frosting swirl.  Sweet Celebrations: Our Favorite Cupcake Recipes, Memories, and Decorating Secrets That Add Sparkle to Any Occasion


    Didn't think I needed another Peggy Porschen book and then she goes and writes one where the emphasis is more on afternoon tea. There is a chapter on sweet treats, one on cupcakes and many more delicious sounding baked goods. *Hint, hint loved ones... I want this book! This book has already been released in the UK market and is well reviewed on UK Amazon Due for release in the US November 29th... note the different cover pic for the US market.


    Adore. Adore Thomas Keller. From the 'French Laundry Cookbook' to 'Ad Hoc at Home', Thomas Keller is a rare combination of a fine chef and a fine writer. That's why the 'Bouchon Bakery' being released October 23rd is my one must have this year!


    Not from the UK? You may not know who Paul Hollywood is, unless you have caught the "The Great British Bake Off" on cable. This silver fox is strict, a touch arrogant, charming and one fabulous baker. This book is well reviewed and includes a good "look inside" feature on Amazon UK.

    Also available on Amazon US How to Bake  Watch Paul intro his book and make flatbread....

     I must admit I'm a bit of a sucker for single subject cookbooks and even though I have no idea who 'Miss Madeleine' is; the promise of these little tea cakes, plain ones, dipped ones, gluten-free ones, vegan ones and chocolate ones was too much for me and I have ordered a copy.  We Love Madeleines Amazon US

    Another single subject book in the 'Secrets of Eclairs'. I saw a friends copy of this book during the week, nice. Clear instructions on baking eclair shells, lots of tips, flavours, variations of fillings and toppings. Though, some ingredients such as liquid fondant may not be easily available in some places. This book would suit a more adventurous baker. Amazon UK.

    available from secondary sellers Amazon US Secrets of Eclairs

    An Australian books rounds out the list; the 'Sweet Studio' by Darren Purchese. Australians would know Darren from his appearance on MasterChef. Watch Darren and have a sneak peak at the gorgeous Chapel st Bakery.

    the book is available for preorder from Fishpond (AU) and Amazon US Sweet Studio

    Have I missed you favourite new release? Let me know in the comments section or find me on Facebook

    Happy Baking :)

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