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    Dippy Hippy & Makin's Clay Gun shapes

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    I don't want to know you were too stoned to remember taking accounting at University, particularly when you are about to teach me the very same subject...

    It started last month when my husband & myself were attending our first bookkeeping class at community adult education. We first sighted our teacher when he *skipped into the class room swinging a red riding hood basket. Seated at his desk he proceeded to unpack his basket; manuals, a bottle of filtered water, woven key ring and a brightly coloured crocheted pencil case. 

    In retrospect all hope was lost already, but there we all were an expectant class room full of students. And then the teacher began to speak; we learnt that he dropped out of law, dropped out of medicine, ended up in accounting but can't remember anything about his time there because he was too stoned. After that he went backpacking around Europe, but can't remember that because he was still too stoned. Then coming back to Australia, met his wife at a forestry protest (where else!) in Tasmania, before returning to Melbourne and gaining a job as an accountant. Good to know in his second year of the job "it" (being bookkeeping) just clicked and he understood it.  

    Forty minutes into the class now and the manuals are handed out. It's gets worse as the teacher tells us he wrote the manual himself and the class will not be accredited as he didn't want to follow to the governments criteria (that's right "stick it to the man") and we also don't need any paper or pens. I spoke up at this stage and asked "for the whole 8 weeks of the class we won't be writing anything?". "No" he answered but told me I could scribble notes in the margin if I wanted too. Somehow the subject changed to his father, as he bitterly spoke about his fathers success in business I scribbled "father issues" in the margin of my manual.

    FIGHT! FIGHT! I didn't have to be bored for too long because an argument between the teacher and the truck driver student broke out about shelf companies, Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch (yes, I know that has nothing to do with bookkeeping but you weren't expecting that were you?). My money was on the aggressive big truck driver and if I was the teacher I wouldn't have called him a criminal for owning shelf companies. 

    The arguing continued, the woman next to me decided she would back the truck driver and entered the argument. And so it when on and on and on until at 10pm we were set free! Never learning anything about bookkeeping and never to return to bookkeeping class.

    On to a readers email question:

    Ahlam wrote

    I'm considering buying a clay gun for cake decorating and was wondering if you have one and what are all those discs are for?

    Hi, Ahlam, yes I do have a clay gun. Mine is a the green Makin's Ultimate Clay Extruder with 20 metal disc shapes, I've extruded all 20 shapes for you to see below. Two extension packs of disc shapes are also available.

    Makin's clay gun with O ring. Barrel measures 14-cm (5 1/2 inches) long. Easy to use, insert a "sausage" of fondant into the barrel and wind the handle. It may be necessary to soften your fondant/or modelling paste with a little Crisco or glycerine before using.

    Round shapes are used for making fondant hair, laces, plaited and twisted borders, faux pasta or noodles, straw and floral stamen. Larger round shapes can be used for arms and legs, logs etc.

    The half round, triangle and other shapes can be used for wood, logs, pillars, borders or cut into small shaped pieces to use as noses, beads, trim etc. 

    In Australia I bought mine from Clay Princess, but since your in the US Ahlam your try local art supply store or from Amazon..Makin's Professional Ultimate Clay Extruder

    Thanks Ahlam for the great question :)


    * he didn't really "skip", but he was swinging his red riding hood round wicker basket with cloth topper! I did feel sorry for him, all sad and teaching community classes for extra money. 

    'Dippy Hippy Cupcake' as seen on Cupcakes Take The Cake 

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    Reader Comments (3)

    Emma and I think the Dippy Hippy is cute.

    November 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJacinta

    That's such a cute story. And the Clay Extractor info was great. I never did know how to use one of those.

    November 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJood

    Hey Emma, I think your Mum should buy you a clay gun! Thank you :)

    Thank you Jood :)

    November 10, 2010 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Baker

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